My husband comes from a family of engineers. If you have been reading my work, you know that from my standpoint, there are energetic tugs that work alongside natural aptitudes which cause one to be led to a particular profession, the deepest essence of this concept being karmic. My husband is an engineer. Far be it from me to categorize personality traits within particular careers (hardy har har), but my darling spouse is very linear and methodical in his thinking.
He explains concepts and ideas in the form of plots, graphs and diagrams in the air, with his hands. Poor guy can’t help it, he is who he is. Every single cell in his beautiful existence is literally marinated in this approach to all things. He deeply resonates with the concepts of fact, scientific models and proof derived from controlled experiments. This being said, he is somewhat of an enigma, as indicated by his interest in spiritual and metaphysical realms. He is also very interested in the cohesiveness between spirituality, metaphysics and science. What is interesting to me is how he approaches his studies and research of such immeasureable concepts in a highly organized and scientifically derived manner. The hubster learns by reading and gathering information from various sources that he deems reliable and capable. He then takes this information, and surmises a conclusion. He embarks on a search, if you will, of externally derived knowledge.
So, this morning we were discussing my last blog post. Here is the link. Being ever the true gentle man, he said something like, “great blog hon, I’m just intrigued. Why did you imply that all nurses get burnout? Don’t you think there are any nurses who are happy? The ones who go about their day, enjoy their job, their lives”?
(Even though the blog was focused on the importance of understanding that there is no distinction between anyone who heals, only the method with which they resonate to heal others differs, for the sake of simplicity, I will continue to use the word “nurse”, as we did in our conversation)
We discussed my take on the wording of this piece, and the conversation got colorful when I suggested that this blog was written authentically and derived from my innate state of knowing, and I told him that nurses may think they are happy, and not think they are experiencing burnout on a conscious or subconscious level. Yet, they would probably be in the throes of a dysfunctional mind set to some degree, and/or that any toxicity they may be experiencing at a particular point is serving them a purpose. This is actually a clever avoidance tactic. By avoiding addressing the bad stuff, they don’t have to address personal points for growth, and they can continue to blame their coworkers and the system for stuff. (Some folks find weird strength in bitch sessions, an illusion of power and strength in numbers- a misery-loves-company-bizarre-clique sort of thing).
I believe that healers are attracted to healing in order to eventually heal themselves. I even believe that we choose our lifetimes and our lessons. Here is what I mean. Please keep in mind that this is a very nut-shelled version:
1: Agree to lifetime, learning and opportunities to achieve goal (which on a human level you are not aware of). This is Divine Knowledge.
2: Realize an energetic pull or attraction to healing others.
3: Burnout/Crisis occurs.
4: Self Healing and energetic contagiousness occurs by addressing Burnout. (Amazing experiences while reaping the rewards of your hard work)
5: You Flourish, feel sense of balance, poise and self worth.
6: If this lifetime lesson agreement is unaddressed/unresolved-go back to #1.
So anyway, when we boiled it and boiled it, I realized that his concern was that I would be alienating a certain demographic. My practice is less than a year old, and that’s certainly counterproductive. Not only that, but I am really a very nice person, am sensitive and really dislike hurting or angering anyone, this he knows very well.
But here’s the thing. I rely on internally derived knowledge. The older I get, the more intense the trust is. I trust this as my darling trusts his research. I am not a studier, per se. I don’t learn well that way. Reading, even though I love writing, is laborious and tedious to me. While I am quite nicely educated, the process was never truly smooth or easy. I relied on the help of friends and my good ole’ instinct. There are no hard and cold facts about this whole nurse burnout/ healer burnout discussion. One can assume, based on being in the profession for a while, reading statistics and the like, that there is a good scientific probability that many nurses are. Yet, as a metaphysician, I am an intuitive “knower”. My intuition is my guide, and intuition is direct Divine knowledge in my book. Divine Knowledge is never wrong, it simply is.
I know it in my core center that inevitably, healers of any description have levels of burnout. Whether they choose to address it or not is a different story.
These truths of mine are certainly not crafted to be suggestive, therefore the intention is not for you to choose to feel as though I am pigeon holing you by giving you no gray areas to work with. These truths are written from this perspective: if you resonate with this information, you do. If you don’t, you probably really seriously and absolutely do not. Yet the hope is that if you fall into the latter category, you will allow this concept to unfold in your heart when it beckons you to do so.
After this valued discussion with my best friend, my ideals and concepts, my “knowing” was not threatened, it was validated and strengthened. A blog written yesterday on the lack of distinction between any sort of healer, and the rationales as to why people serendipitously are attracted to healing others morphed into an enlightening opportunity.
Is one method necessarily right or wrong in obtaining information and developing personal realities better or worse than the other? Hardly, for there are many paths to One Truth.
How Divine.
Thanks, honey.
Nurse Your Spirit!
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